French Tutorials


$5-$35 per Course

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Tutorials Content

Learning the language of French is a great undertaking to achieve. And what you will find in each course of study and the study aides will build on the subject matter of the one previous to it. We want you not only to understand and or read the language, we want you to be as fully conversational as possible. The following courses are designed with all that in mind:

Course 1

Mon Premier Livre de Grammaire anglaise

Beginning principles for learning the French Language rules of grammar

Course 2

Vocabulaire anglais pour Francophones – Audio

Simple to learn principles for conversational English grammar

Course 3

Vocabulaire anglais pour Francophones

The building blocks of speaking and understanding English

Course 4

Verbes, conjugaisons, Modes e Voix en anglais

The beginnings you need in gaining your fluency in the French language

Click Here for the French Courses and Supplementals

Our Core Objectives

Each course with their corresponding study aides are designed with you in mind. What you are needing to gain the best results from the tutorials you take from The Best Home Tutor. We have allocated in each of our subjects the four building blocks that have been found to teach and more importantly for the student to genuinely learn the subject that was studied:

Subject Prep

Creative Thinking


Mental ‘Arithmetic’

Language Literacy

Buy All the French Courses Here

Taking the courses found here on the website has been able to get me to a point that I feel proficient in my language skills – Merci The Best Home Tutor

Conrad G.
French LanguageStudent

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